adverb. Wishing to be home so badly that you say "home" alot then accidentally say "homefully" instead of "hopefully".
Kanelpyu (n.)
A terrible condition which afflicts anyone whose job involves repeating a breezy greeting or repetitive and insincere offer of assistance to people they really don't care about. This results in the creation of a whole host of new fictionary words like: Jawonanysawses? Jalykadrink? Pastrywivat? Enthintweet? Pliskallmibakon (incomprehensible phone number). Wojjalyke? Kannagajennything? Crispynutsothersnaks? Galarge? And the...
Made-Upaline-7 Serum
A crucial active ingredient in all modern shampoos and conditioners...
A prime example of [p2p type="slug" value="hyperelongationism"] because it is frequently used where the word method would suffice but methodology sounds more impressive.
omletted: adj: flattened Alternatively: adj.: mixed thoroughly then lightly fried to a crisp golden texture.
NTBFW (abbrev.) Not to be f****d with. A term which applies to anyone older than about 12 who hasn't got over burning ants with a magnifying glass, shooting toy soldiers and model aircraft with an air rifle or pulling the legs off a spider, shouting orders at it and believing it doesn't move because it's...